You need human interaction too in this business!!!

 One of the things I find as I navigate this selling highway. Is that one finds oneself being a member of a ton of message boards on a host of different subjects. This was an explanation I gave to folks who found themselves in a selling slump. I know the bottom line in this business is to make money. And its discouraging when you think you have done everything possible to make a awesome product, presentation and web presence. To find out low and behold no one is buying your stuff. Could it be your interaction or lack of for that matter that's the problem.

If you want to sell online and be successful you have to get out there and talk to people. Be a walking billboard for your products. Depending on what you are selling of course. Do you wear something you have made every single day. Do you have a flip book of the products that you make. In your office space (if allowed) do you have a few pics of you making something or of the finished product. These are all good ways to increase your exposure and increase your customer base. You have to get out there and talk to people. Do you have your really cool logo on a t-shirt. And lets not forget the business cards. Do you hand one out every time someone compliments you on your work or a piece you are wearing.

My desk at my job is not very big. I try to keep it neat which some days is a losing battle. I have more craft stuff in my area then you can shake a stick at. I have a ton of books, supplies that folks have given me. That I really need to take home but I am too lazy to carry it. I incorporate things I have made onto my desk. I have a tissue box cover I made and a decoupage flower pot as a pencil holder. Christmas decoration good chunk of them handmade. And when its lunchtime I whip out whatever I am working on. by doing this I discovered many of my coworkers are crafty too!! And its nice to have a crafty conversation with someone. When I start talking crafts to family they just look at me like I am crazy. So you can never have too many crafty friends. I even have done networking because folks see my stuff.

How about those dreaded Dr's or Dentists appointment.  Those are perfect times to get crafty and maybe sell an item or two. Since we all you you'll be sitting in the waiting area forever. Might as well get something fun done. Long bus or train rides, perfect time to let the world know what your doing. Whip out those knitting needles, scissors, or ribbon and put on a mini demonstration for the folks.

I live in a big city over 1.5 million people do you know where my biggest spot to advertise is. Believe it or not its the subway. I make woven headbands and jewelry. I have made more sales just hanging out in the subway waiting for the train to go to work. If someone  compliments me on something I am wearing I always say thank you and tell them where I got it followed by a business card. And sometimes; I do this for headbands only I will sell in the subway because I always carry a few on me to show folks who truly seem interested. Now I don't recommend this for everyone. But I have lived here long enough and feel comfortable enough to do this.

Having great pics, perfect titles and awesome seo is all fine well and good. But  dont forget everyday you interact with someone, whether its casual or not is a potential selling point for your business. And of course lets not forget craft shows and fairs etc. And if your in an area that doesn't have craft shows or you are unable to do shows. Don't forget if there are fundraisers going on maybe you can donate something. And usually the promoters will give free tickets to the event as a thanks for your donation.

 You have to remember a lot of folks don't even have computers or internet access. And these are customers you are missing. Thats why I find human interaction is more important then the computer. Cause if your on the bus you cant show folks what you make unless you have a laptop on you which most folks don't. You are your biggest advertisement and the best part  its free.

Every single day you walk out your front door and interact with another human is a selling point for you. You don't even sometimes have to say anything.  Just be wearing something you made. Trust me people do notice. They might not say anything but they do notice. So remember  you must be the walking advertisement for your business. Don't just leave it up to the search engines for people to find you.

Also if you do a lot of  casual emailing. Its also a good thing to have in your signature a link to your website.

Happy Crafting!!!


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