Craft Shows and how to lose customers

OK, I went to my first craft show of the season yesterday. And I was quite surprised. This post isn't going to be on how good or bad the show was its going to be more on my observations of do's and dont's if you are selling to the general public.

The first thing I noticed as I walked through the door is the cramped spaces. It was odd the way the set up was. What I thought at first was individual booths for some were actually 2 folks sharing a space. Nothing is wrong with that if done correctly. The inverted 'U' made for some serious tight space and uncomfortable shopping. And it was confusing at first glance because you thought the person you were talking to was the artist come to find out its the other person. Anyway the set up was totally weird. I think if they had pulled the tables out further they could have given everyone a little more room.

One of my pet peeves after working in the catering business is table coverings. Artist/designers/crafters please find table covering that completely cover the table. That means coverings that go all the way to the floor. Nothing distracts more from the display then seeing whats under the table as well as the table legs. And please if possible iron your table coverings. When the door opens your booth should look as fresh as possible. We know it wont stay that way but it can start out crisp and neat. It shouldn't look like you just pulled that really cool sheet right off your bed.

By my nature I am a rather shy person who keeps to myself. But when I am on the selling floor my extrovert comes out. Artists; eye contact and a simple hello to break the ice is not too much to ask. Please don't sit in your chair on you iPhone or iPad doing other things. If you show no interest in your wares neither will I. I am not asking for a dissertation of your life. Tell me about your product I have money I need to spend. Don't sit there arms folded looking bored either.

Clearly marked prices is a must. If I must hunt for the price you lost me and I'm moving on.

A full booth is a good booth. A cluttered disorganized booth is a hot mess and will be avoided. I saw one lady's booth and I still cant figured out what she was selling. I know it was some sort clothing but from my viewpoint just look like stuff thrown on a table.

Height is your friend. Build your booth up don't just lay stuff out flat on a table. Display pieces don't have to be expensive. I saw a lot of display pieces that looked like they came out of someone home. And that works. Baskets, lamps, mirrors, books they all work and you already have them. Go wild and get creative. One lady had some really cool display pieces that were so cool we thought she was selling them. And if people are asking whether or not your display pieces are for sale you might be on to something.

BAGS,BAGS and more BAGS. No matter what you sell whether it needs a bag or not you should always have a supply on hand. Customers get mighty upset when they go to purchase something and you do not have a bag to put it into. And they have to ask your fellow crafter for a bag. You should have more then one size as well.

Business cards. Now I know they are a must. But did you know putting your info on them is a must too. Having a picture that looked like a 3 year old drew it and a web address and nothing else. Good way for a customer to forget about you.

Your appearance. Now I am no prude, but I find inappropriate dress to be a big no no. Unless your dress ties into your theme of your booth and products. Please remember craft shows are a family friendly event. And if you look like you should be giving lap dances to your customers instead of showing off your cool pottery. Then you might wonder why your not getting the correct customers.

I am sure there is something that I am forgetting. But those are a few of my observations on how to lose customers. I have been in the retail and customer service industry for over 20 years. I have seen what works and what doesn't. I have been doing some sort of craft as a hobby for over 15 years. And decided to sell about 10 years ago. I mainly sell in person and will be starting my online venture later this year.. A big part of selling is presentation. If your presentation is good the customers will come. I see that in my day job all the time.

Happy crafting


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