New items in the works

Well I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday season. And you are able to get some crafting in between all the celebrating. And the celebrating is not over yet. Still got News Years to go. I  finally got a moment of peace yesterday and was able to work on some new items. Most of my friends are avid readers. I think I personally have over 500 books. This includes craft books which I collect. Fantasy and horror I am a big vampire fan. And of course the occasional science fiction novel. And also my writers reference books. So I saw these and thought great idea. Large paperclip bookmarks.I made these out of scrap fabric I have been hoarding. (Don't judge :-) they turned out really cute. My mom already stole one before I could even show anybody!! Its ok mom gets the lifetime of free stuff discount. These will be available soon at Silver Griffon Designs

Fabric covered button Paperclip bookmarks.
Cute right and they make a great little gift for your favorite bookworm. Or if you don't want to use them in your books. Use them to keep the mail nice and neat and remember where you put it.  I also was able to make some earrings with these really cool beads that  I found; Tensha beads from Japan. I had never heard of them but they appear to be quite popular.

Wine Tensha beads with pink roses earrings.
I call this style Victoria. I find if you give your jewelry designs names it just seems to make things easier for some reason. I have two other colors as well, black and crystal, and pearl and purple velvet.
 To see the other colors please visit my Facebook page silver griffon designs

Well so what do you think?


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